Frequently asked questions

These are just several of the most commonly asked questions but if one of yours goes unanswered please join our discord where we have 24/7 support here.

Are these indicators available for free on TradingView??
No, our indicator system is all uniquely developed by DynaProTrading for DynaProTrading but does incorporate more common features like moving averages and support/resistance in the backend logic.
What makes your indicators unique?
ProConcepts, our newest indicator, is the only smart money concepts algo on the market that incorporates everything needed to think like an institutional investor.
If I start the free trial will I be charged?
No, the free trial will not charge you until 3 days from sign up passes. If you wish to not be charged, you will need to cancel your subscription prior to the 3 days being up.
Do you do custom development work?
Currently we do not offer custom development work, but we take all suggestions from current customers when improving our own indicators.
What benefits are included in “Premium Discord Access”
Premium discord access includes all of our partner bots from Quant Data and Tradytics that give real time information on options stocks and crypto. It also includes live alerts from our 12 traders for stocks, forex, crypto, and options.

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